News from Patrick Flynn

Thank you; what’s next?

In a pleasant surprise, I recently received the following e-mail:

At Stateside Associates we have been reviewing blogs that cover local politics for several months to find the very best the web has to offer. Your blog was selected for inclusion on the Best Local Politics Blogs list. The list is a comprehensive review of blogs that cover politics and policy issues in cities, towns, counties and regions across the country. Stateside Associates’ Best Local Politics Blogs list has been published alongside the Best State Politics Blogs (published in fall 2011) on our website. It has also arranged into a printable FactPad insert that slides easily into a FactPad mouse pad, distributed free of charge to clients and other friends of the firm. In addition, we’ve published a press release detailing the release of the list and your inclusion on it.

I appreciate the sentiment, of course, though the purpose of these missives is to provide information relevant to folks a little closer to home.  So it was perhaps even nicer to receive a “Liebster” award from Nagoonberry, a blogger residing a few miles down the road.

More importantly, I’m curious about how this blog can better inform you – are there lingering topics about which you’d like further information?  I’ve recently received a few e-mails about Residential Parking Zones and could provide some detail about the process necessary to develop them if that’s of interest.  Perhaps an update on the arcana of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan update?  Something else?

Please let me know – my ultimate goal is to provide you with additional information – and thank you for reading!



This contribution was made on Friday, 06. January 2012 at 13:45 and was published under the category Other. You can follow comments on this entry through the RSS-Feed.

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  1. At the risk of putting readers to sleep, a posting about how AMATS just yesterday let the public know about the availabilty of the Public Hearing Draft of the 2035 MTP Update AND about the P&Z public hearing on Monday, (only 4 days later!) would be great. After all, deciding how the MOA should best spend more than 2.3 Billion on transportation projects over the next 25 years can hardly be something that the public is interested in ;-).
    Since John Q Public doesn’t have staff to spend the next 2 days painstakingly going over hundreds of pages to figure out which projects are included, and what has changed since the last draft, the best thing to follow proper public process would be to postpone the P&Z hearing.
    We were amazed and astounded to find out that the cost for Phase 1 of the Knik Arm Bridge dropped from $852 Million to $702 Million, and the number of daily trips estimated by KABATA went up from 36,000 to 52,300!
    Gosh, after spending $60 Million, you would think that KABATA and their high priced consultants could at least get some of the basic data right.

    Comment: Bob – 06. January 2012 @ 2:15 pm

  2. Another thing that has thus far escaped public view, is that the Corps of Engineers is reviewing KABATA’s permit to figure out whether or not filling in 80 some acres of wetlands, and changing flow patterns in Cook Inlet for the Knik Arm Bridge will adversely affect the Port of Anchorage.

    We’ve already seen, including on your blog, that the COE is having to dredge for the Port much more often in the past, with some blaming the Port MacKenzie dock, others blaming Global Climate Change and others just blaming the whims of Mother Nature.

    Will the COE get comments from the public about what we have observed, and our concerns about the effects of the bridge on salmon populations, beluga whales, and siltation at the port if there is no public notice from the COE, no attention from the Media, or from Politicians, and if there is no public hearing held on the permit application?

    Not if the public doesn’t know!

    Comment: Bob – 06. January 2012 @ 2:22 pm

  3. Congrats. As a regular PAC goer, I’d like to know the cost of melting the ice at 6th & F vs. the liability from slip & fall issues. Also comm3entary on P & Z and platting issues.

    Comment: friend43 – 06. January 2012 @ 5:16 pm

  4. Congratulations on the recognition of your Blog Patrick. We always enjoy keeping up with what is going on in Anchorage and the great state of Alaska and your Blog has been a great source.

    Comment: Bill & Toni – 07. January 2012 @ 6:02 am

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