News from Patrick Flynn

Where’s the chief?

If you haven’t done so already, or perhaps even if you have, please read through yesterday’s article about fire code restrictions leading to the cancellation of a concert at The Dome and contemplate whether anything about it strikes you as just a little bit odd.  After that, read on…

Perhaps you thought it strange that a facility permitted to house a couple thousand people for sporting events couldn’t house a like number of people for a concert?  Fair enough, but the acting fire marshal, James Gray, did a pretty good job explaining the differences and how they lead to a higher standard.

Or maybe it seemed like overkill for the mayor to deliver the message?  I don’t know the details but I’m confident a fire department decision of this magnitude would almost certainly result in an appeal up the chain so, if such an appeal hadn’t yet occurred, it was pretty smart to brief the mayor early in the decision-making process.  And, if such an appeal had occurred, the mayor is an appropriate official to reply.

But to me the most puzzling aspect is the absence of Chief Hall in the story.  He’s certainly seen fit to publicly denigrate his officers in the past so why, when even the mayor believes the fire department’s decision is correct, does he not make an appearance to back them now?  I honestly don’t know and am somewhat curious; not “let’s-launch-an-investigation” curious, but curious nonetheless.



This contribution was made on Wednesday, 22. June 2011 at 02:16 and was published under the category Other. You can follow comments on this entry through the RSS-Feed.

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  1. It was curious. I wondered about that myself, and just sorta thought well, he’s on vacation or something. I still don’t quite understand the difference between sports and a concert. Sports fans are never on anything? That was the only distinction I saw. Hmmmm

    Comment: Niki Burrows – 23. June 2011 @ 12:16 am

  2. Chief Hall was out 6/24 through 6/27. Deputy Chief Bushue was acting Chief in his absence.

    Comment: lja – 28. June 2011 @ 12:05 pm

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