News from Patrick Flynn

Liquor laws

Thursday, 26. August 2010 by Patrick Flynn

Last week’s Assembly discussion on the universal identification check requirement at Brown Jug’s Tikahtnu Commons location got me thinking a bit more about how our community regulates liquor sales.  To explain a bit every establishment in our community that sells alcohol, whether they’re a beverage dispensary (bars & restaurants, though there are different kinds of licenses in this category) or a package store (retail outlets that sell beer, wine & liquor), requires a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) under Anchorage Municipal Code (Title 21).  This allows community councils and the Assembly to recommend neighborhood-specific practices for those businesses to follow, and to provide those recommendations to the Alcoholic Beverage Control board, where they are generally adopted.


Port committee update, fourth edition

Friday, 20. August 2010 by Patrick Flynn

For those unable to attend, here’s an update from most recent Port committee meeting:


Total funds “obligated” to date are $257 million.  Obligated funds mean they’ve been designated to pay for work and contracts for that work have been let but the dollars have not necessarily changed hands, some of which occurs after work is complete, inspected, etc.


Fairview volunteer opportunity

Thursday, 19. August 2010 by Patrick Flynn

If you’re looking for an opportunity to help Anchorage’s young people I have just the ticket for you!  On Saturday, August 21, the Back to Work Network is conducting a back-to-school event at the Fairview Recreation Center from 10:30 am to 4 pm.  They’ll distribute clothes, primarily for young women but also for young men, and even provide make-up and hairdressing services.  That’s where you come in – the network is seeking contributions of new shoes and socks, and would appreciate the services of a few more hairdressers.  If you’d like to lend a hand please contact Regina Manteufel at 276-4904 or



Farewell, Mr. Jones

Tuesday, 17. August 2010 by Patrick Flynn

Last week I heard through the grapevine that Greg Jones, who serves as Executive Director of the Office of Community Planning and Development, had tendered his resignation.  Following our Friday work session I sought him out and confirmed the bad news – he’s on his way out.


Campbell Creek complications

Sunday, 15. August 2010 by Patrick Flynn

Yesterday morning’s article in the local paper provides a pretty good synopsis of the circumstances surrounding the Campbell Creek estuary.  For those unfamiliar with the issue, here’s a little background:


Friday, 13. August 2010 by Patrick Flynn

Like all Alaskans I was deeply saddened to learn of Monday’s plane crash that claimed five lives and injured four others.  Many residents of the Last Frontier, myself included, fly throughout Alaska in aircraft large and small so each accident reminds us of the risks we accept as part of our lives.  That doesn’t make the loss of life easier to bear.


Port committee meeting postponed to 8/16

Monday, 09. August 2010 by Patrick Flynn

Tomorrow’s Port committee meeting has been postponed.  Here’s the message I sent to committee members and stakeholders:


Meet Bert Cottle

Sunday, 08. August 2010 by Patrick Flynn

If you’ve never been to Valdez please allow me to recommend a visit.  I’m told my first one occurred before the ol’ memory banks started recording, and I definitely recall enjoying spending the summer of 1989 in Alaska’s “Gateway to the Interior,” despite the circumstances that drew me there.  During the intervening years I’ve kept my eye on a community that’s played a remarkable role in Alaska’s history.  Aside from its role as the southern terminus of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) it’s a fascinating part of Alaska and, among other things, I couldn’t help noticing when my former high school principal, Lance Bowie, was hired as the local school district Superintendent.


Summer break

Sunday, 01. August 2010 by Patrick Flynn

Despite what you may have experienced recently, it is summer so I’m going to take a few days and enjoy it.  Once I’m back, and recovered (breaks can be hard work) I’ll get more information posted.  In the meantime, enjoy your break from my missives!





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