News from Patrick Flynn

Camp abatement

Monday, 21. June 2010 by Patrick Flynn

Camp abatement.  It’s not a new summer opportunity for your kids, instead it’s the surprisingly complicated issue of how our community deals with camps established by our homeless population on municipal lands.  As background information, last year the Assembly approved an ordinance that allowed for the Anchorage Police Department to post notices at illegal camp sites and for eviction (removal) to commence 12 hours later.  But that’s not how the law has been employed.


Corruption cure or gag law?

Monday, 14. June 2010 by Patrick Flynn

As you may have read backers of ballot measure 1, the so-called anti-corruption initiative, recently announced a cessation of their campaign.  That hasn’t stopped foes of the initiative, who refer to it as a gag law, from continuing their campaign.  In fact, a friend of mine associated with coalition opposing ballot measure 1 sent me an invitation to a fundraiser & education event taking place on Thursday, June 17, at 5 pm in the Snow Goose restaurant, and asked that I make mention of it on my blog.  So, mission accomplished.


Port committee update, second edition

Friday, 11. June 2010 by Patrick Flynn

As promised, the Port committee’s June 10 meeting focused on dredging (underwater excavation) issues and featured an extensive presentation from local representatives of the US Army Corps of Engineers.  We covered a lot of ground, and here are some highlights:

  • Anchorage’s port is one of the only, if not the only, ports where the Corps is permitted to dredge right up to the dock face where ships berth.  In other locations the Corps dredges shipping channels but not ship berths, and the anomaly appears to stem from the port’s former status as an Army port.
  • (more…)

Odds & ends, another edition

Thursday, 03. June 2010 by Patrick Flynn

Yes, the moment you’ve been waiting for – another meandering blog post!  Away we go…

Next Port committee meeting:


Port committee update, first edition

Tuesday, 01. June 2010 by Patrick Flynn

A newly-constituted Assembly Port committee held its first meeting on Tuesday, May 18.  Prior to that, there were three stories in the local paper discussing the subject:

  • The first, which ran on May 10, provided an overview of last month’s work session.
  • The second, which ran on May 18, focused on the growth of the “Port MacKenzie” shoal (not my description – that came from someone who knows Cook Inlet hydrology far better than me).
  • The third, which also ran on May 18, describes the immediate problem faced by TOTE that attracted my attention back in April.




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