News from Patrick Flynn

Good neighbors

Monday, 01. October 2012 by Patrick Flynn

One of the advantages of representing neighborhoods in which I grew up (no snide remarks about my maturity, please) is the opportunity to address issues in different ways.  Here’s an example:


Snow job

Thursday, 08. March 2012 by Patrick Flynn

Welcome to yet another installment of what is sometimes referred to, not so fondly, as the “silly season,” the period preceding even relatively minor elections like Anchorage’s municipal contests.  It’s a place where, all too often, hyperbole shines and facts whither.  Nevertheless, we’ll ferret out a fact or two just to keep in practice.


Up the creek?

Thursday, 01. March 2012 by Patrick Flynn

Readers may have noted a recent article in the local paper discussing neighborhood concerns surrounding the realignment of Chester Creek near Muldoon and DeBarr roads.  Unsurprisingly, this was the most time-intensive matter at our February 28 meeting.


Sitting tight

Monday, 21. November 2011 by Patrick Flynn

The Assembly will hear the most recent iteration of the mayor’s “sidewalk sitting” ordinance on Tuesday, November 22.  It’s been intriguing to view the e-mails on this subject with the vast majority opposing the measure as an affront to free speech.  Meanwhile the administration contends they’re trying to head off a larger problem and that the law is modeled after a court-tested version in place in Seattle.


On the corner, again (update)

Monday, 25. July 2011 by Patrick Flynn

For those who might be considering a visit to tomorrow evening’s Assembly meeting with the intent of voicing your opinion about the administration’s sidewalk ordinance, you may be interested to know the administration now intends to ask the Assembly not to act on the matter.  The plan, I am told, is to send the measure to the Public Safety Advisory Commission for further review.


On the corner, again

Saturday, 23. July 2011 by Patrick Flynn

Let’s start with the basics.  I live close to downtown, I work downtown, I frequently patronize a wide variety of downtown establishments, I’m part-owner of a downtown business and I support (and have worked in) our visitor industry.  Under no circumstances would I ever want the image of downtown Anchorage to be that of John William Martin III.


Title 21 update

Thursday, 16. June 2011 by Patrick Flynn

As I mentioned in my previous post, we’ve seen a steady flow of e-mail traffic regarding the re-write of Title 21, the section of municipal code that governs land use and planning.  Over the past several years citizens, developers, planners and the Assembly worked together (and occasionally at odds with one another) to write new “provisionally adopted” chapters.  With most of the heavy lifting complete the primary remaining task was reconciliation of that work to address inconsistencies and gaps, which is where we are today.  And because that’s the same place we’ve been for about a year some folks are getting understandably antsy.


Around the horn

Sunday, 12. June 2011 by Patrick Flynn

Summer in Alaska means there’s lots to do, which usually means less focus on matters political (probably a good thing).  Still, there are quite a few activities going on so we’ll go around the horn with a quick synopsis:


Bumps in the night

Saturday, 28. May 2011 by Patrick Flynn

With all the attention paid to other items on the Assembly’s most recent agenda, the relatively small contingent paying attention to an amendment to Anchorage’s noise code didn’t manage to break through the background, well, noise.  That may change soon; here’s why:


Neighborhood matters

Wednesday, 27. April 2011 by Patrick Flynn

As you’ve likely heard, last night the Assembly put the finishing touches on the 2011 budget, thereby allowing allowing us to set mill levies.  I’ll provide a few more details shortly but first a couple neighborhood announcements.




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