News from Patrick Flynn

Port committee update, eighth edition

Saturday, 07. May 2011 by Patrick Flynn

I’m struggling as I write this, trying to keep in mind two thoughts from those who preceded me.  The first comes from John F. Kennedy:

“I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House – with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”


Port committee update, seventh and final (sort of) edition

Tuesday, 03. May 2011 by Patrick Flynn

I was out and about last weekend, particularly on Sunday, enjoying our fantastic spring weather.  Gazing out at Knik Arm I happened to note, for at least the second time this year, a TOTE vessel loitering mid-channel during a low tide, which harkens back to the Assembly’s establishment of the port committee.  That’s as good a reason as any for another update.



Sunday, 01. May 2011 by Patrick Flynn

Regular readers know I’ve been cautiously optimistic about the potential of the so-called Highway to Highway project, which would provide a freeway connection between the Glenn and Seward highways.  The most likely solution would entail a below-grade (cut and cover, in transportation vernacular) route in the vicinity of Hyder Street to link with Fifth Avenue somewhere near Merrill Field.  This approach has the potential to reunite Fairview, which is currently divided by the Ingra-Gambell couplet, thereby improving neighborhood access to businesses and amenities on either side.  Aside from the obvious benefits to vehicular traffic, that’s why I’ve been generally supportive of the project, and that’s why I’m concerned that it appears the project is slowly dying.


Neighborhood matters

Wednesday, 27. April 2011 by Patrick Flynn

As you’ve likely heard, last night the Assembly put the finishing touches on the 2011 budget, thereby allowing allowing us to set mill levies.  I’ll provide a few more details shortly but first a couple neighborhood announcements.



Sunday, 24. April 2011 by Patrick Flynn

Tomorrow morning Assembly committees will be officially announced, though slightly differently than what Assembly members learned Friday night.  Here’s what we heard then:


Leadership shuffling

Sunday, 17. April 2011 by Patrick Flynn

As regular readers know, earlier this month I offered my best guess as to the expected results of the Assembly’s upcoming leadership elections – wrong again, it seems, was I.


Fourth inning results

Thursday, 07. April 2011 by Patrick Flynn

Alright insiders, with the election over at long last I’m happy to present the results of our latest edition of Assembly insider baseball.  And kudos to the participant who correctly answered 10 of the 12 questions (11 of 13, if you include the two-parter)!  Here goes:

  1. (more…)

Next steps

Wednesday, 06. April 2011 by Patrick Flynn

Thank you very much to my friends and neighbors who made my re-election campaign a success!  Your generous support means a great deal to me and I’ll do my best to meet your expectations.  In the meantime, you may be asking what’s next for the Assembly so here’s the scoop:


End of the trail

Monday, 04. April 2011 by Patrick Flynn

Well faithful readers, tomorrow (April 5) marks the conclusion of yet another campaign season.  Win or lose that’s something to celebrate (though I hope I win; I really do enjoy working for my neighbors on the Assembly).  And, since you may have heard there won’t be an “official” campaign central tomorrow evening, that makes two darn good reasons to throw a little party.  So I will, here’s the details: (more…)

A different kind of APP

Sunday, 03. April 2011 by Patrick Flynn

One of the things I enjoy about serving on the Assembly is the direct interface between those of us who make decisions and those whom those decisions impact.  Local governance truly is where the rubber meets the road, and we witness the effect of our actions every day.  Given that, I was intrigued by the following opportunity:




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