News from Patrick Flynn

Corrective action?

Sunday, 02. December 2012 by Patrick Flynn

Everyone makes mistakes.  Indeed, if humans were on some sort of mistake quota system I’d likely be cadging ducats from friends in order to keep myself within limits.  And I’ll let someone else tell you about the “negative example” marketing plan once proffered on my behalf.  But the important thing about making mistakes is learning from them and doing better the next time.


Good neighbors

Monday, 01. October 2012 by Patrick Flynn

One of the advantages of representing neighborhoods in which I grew up (no snide remarks about my maturity, please) is the opportunity to address issues in different ways.  Here’s an example:


Budget whys

Friday, 14. September 2012 by Patrick Flynn

I was copied on an e-mail reacting to a media story about potentially cutting police officers whom the city just trained and hired, and chastising the mayor for the situation.  As readers can ascertain for themselves, the administration once again blames both the previous administration and existing labor contracts.  Unfortunately for them, matters are rarely so simple.


Myths, Legends & Tall Tales

Wednesday, 29. August 2012 by Patrick Flynn

I recently received an e-mail with a pretty simple message – “will you ever blog again?”  The answer is yes; but I’ve been spectacularly busy and recent Assembly activity has been relatively mundane so the sense of urgency has been a little low.  Have faith, though, as budget season is approaching and with it many topics will surely come to the fore!


Meet Luke Hopkins

Saturday, 23. June 2012 by Patrick Flynn

Regular followers of this blog may recall I’m a big fan of Alaska’s Golden Heart City (that would be Fairbanks for you Cheechakos).  I’ve spent a lot of time in the Interior over the years (yes, mostly in the winter) and developed quite a fondness.


State election matters

Saturday, 02. June 2012 by Patrick Flynn

Like many other Alaskans, I awoke this morning to a headline about who met the filing deadline for seeking a seat in the Alaska state legislature.  An item that did not, apparently, earn mention in local coverage was the entrance of two of my former railroad colleagues into the fray.


MTP done (for now)

Saturday, 12. May 2012 by Patrick Flynn

I’ve been so immersed in the work related to finalizing Anchorage’s new Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), which replaces the former Long Range Transportation Plan, that it took a question from a Fairview friend to remind me I hadn’t provided a recent update.  Oops!  So, operating on the better-late-than-never theory, here’s what’s up.


Tax cap gymnastics

Friday, 27. April 2012 by Patrick Flynn

Full disclosure warning; the topic of this post has previously been described as falling into the MEGO category.  If you want to keep reading I obviously can’t stop you, but don’t later complain you weren’t warned…


Mea culpa

Wednesday, 18. April 2012 by Patrick Flynn

I am sorry.  I’m going to write more to explain why I’m sorry, not to seek forgiveness or proclaim some semblance of innocence, but to offer perspective on how we got to this point.  None of it, however, will begin to excuse how we ended up with an election in disarray.


Fifth inning results

Saturday, 07. April 2012 by Patrick Flynn

Thanks to everyone who participated in the fifth inning of Assembly insider baseball, though I was surprised at the weak performance of respondents.  I guess Assembly goings-on are sufficiently uninteresting that many of you have lost track!  But, without further ado, here’s the answers:




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