Most folks are familiar with SoNo, the area south of Nordstrom along D Street that features trendy places to shop and meet. On Thursday, July 3, the area received unique street signs that designate the area as the SoNo District. Mayor Begich was kind enough to invite me to the unveiling of the new signage, which includes a total of four districts. Besides SoNo they are: (more…)
There’s an old saw about Anchorage having two seasons: winter and road construction. Given our record snowfall in April of this year and the number of detours around town this summer, the old saw may be truer than ever! And while we all understand that cold weather makes construction more difficult thus necessitating all the activity in our warmer months, the side effects can be frustrating – especially noise, an issue I’ve worked on for years. (more…)
It’s been an interesting week since my last post – by some measures rather quiet and by others quite busy. Here’s what’s going on: (more…)
With the Downtown, Mountain View and Fairview community councils all opposing the proposed re-zone of the old Native Hospital site (see more information below), the Heritage Land Bank decided to indefinitely postpone their application. An excerpt from HLB Executive Director Bill Mehner’s e-mail to Planning Director Tom Nelson appears below. (more…)
A recent story in the Anchorage Daily News has, unsurprisingly, generated some heated comments about the Knik Arm Bridge & Toll Authority‘s (KABATA) plan to build a bridge between Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley. The story describes a meeting of the Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) policy committee where KABATA officials gave a presentation and members asked questions. I happen to be one of two Assembly representatives on the AMATS policy committee and had several questions about this project. (more…)
The road to increased recycling in Anchorage proved a little longer than expected, but Tuesday night the Assembly passed an areawide recycling ordinance that will implement recycling in schools, public buildings and, for much of Anchorage, at curbsides. Here’s a quick review of how we got from there to here: (more…)
As the entire local blogosphere is surely aware, the planned termination of Anchorage’s I/M testing program would be indefinitely forestalled if an ordinance sponsored by Matt Claman passes. As he’s collected four co-sponsors and I am inclined to support the proposal the odds favor continuity of the program, though the proposal would adopt a number of program changes recommended by the I/M task force last fall. (more…)
Update: This morning’s paper has a story about the proposed rezone. In addition to the Downtown Community Council’s opposition, the Mountain View & Fairview Community Councils also passed resolutions against the proposal. End update. (more…)
It’s early summer in Anchorage, which means residents are sprucing up our community. The city helps out in the process by planting and hanging flowers (crews were out last week), maintaining parks and sweeping streets, among other things. The latter process can take a while and I’ve heard from a neighbor asking how to get her street in the queue. I had the same concern last fall and used the city web site to file a request which, I’m pleased to say, was quickly addressed. If your street needs a cleaning try surfing to the Street Maintenance web site and clicking on the “Street Maintenance Feedback Form.” (more…)
I’m Patrick Flynn, and I have the honor of serving on the Anchorage Assembly, representing the neighborhoods of Downtown, Fairview, Government Hill, Mountain View and South Addition. I was first elected and sworn in back in April and my predecessor, Allan Tesche, was well known for his blog. In fact, I was surprised to find that, during the course of my campaign, several people specifically mentioned the subject and asked if I would carry on the tradition. Because I consider providing information part of my job, I agreed that establishing my own blog was a good idea but noted I was unlikely to be as entertaining as Allan. (more…)
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