A recent story aired by Channel 2 news about the fish-passage project at Westchester Lagoon reminded me of the interesting ways in which paths can repeatedly intersect with one another. Put another way, this project has followed me around like a bad penny.
After reviewing Anchorage’s Bike Plan a visitor to this site asked how some of the improvements might be funded. There are several options, of course, and I’ve asked municipal officials to prioritize policy changes we can address as well projects for which we can seek funding. (I made the same request for the Anchorage Pedestrian Plan.) I intend to use those priorities as we promulgate Anchorage’s legislative program this fall, but state funding isn’t the only place from which we can find dollars to fund these important improvements.
The previously mentioned proposal for ML&P and CEA to jointly build a 200+ megawatt, natural gas-fired power plant near Minnesota and International won approval Tuesday night, but it was not a unanimous decision. The local paper had a brief article on the subject Thursday.
As I wrote previously, the Assembly is considering a proposal for Municipal Light & Power and Chugach Electric Association to jointly construct a new gas-fired power plant near International Airport Road and Minnesota Boulevard. That ordinance was before us last night (Tuesday, August 12) and action was delayed a week when questions from local developer Marc Marlow surfaced in the days leading up to the meeting. More specifically, he sent his list to all Assembly members on Monday, August 11, and apparently spoke with some of my colleagues on Saturday and Sunday.
One of the interesting aspects of conspiracy theories is that they don’t need to rely on a logical fact string, merely to string together various facts to support the theory. I’ve often found that information vacuums lead to such theories and therefore try to fill such voids as quickly as possible. Right now, however, I’ve stumbled into my own abyss and can’t help but wonder what the real truth might be.
An ADN editorial about the transit resolution I sponsored, which asked the legislature to consider using surplus revenues to boost transit resources thereby reducing energy consumption, marked the first of what I expect to multiple forays into energy-related topics during my tenure on the Assembly. The next one relates to how we generate electricity for Anchorage in the most cost-effective manner.
While I’m a big fan of mass and non-motorized transit, and well known for my skepticism of the Knik Arm Bridge project, there is a road project for which I have high hopes – the Seward Highway to Glenn Highway Connection, better known as the highway to highway project. (more…)
Today’s article in the local paper about a potential new development at Sixth Avenue & E Street that would occupy an existing parking lot prodded me to write about downtown parking.
As a kid growing up in Anchorage, one of the first sights from the train as it headed north out of town along Ship Creek was a large homeless camp at the base of the bluff near the old Alaska Native Medical Center. Today ANMC is located on Tudor Road near Campbell Creek and that homeless camp location is an RV park – still transient housing, just more expensive. (more…)
In my brief tenure on the Anchorage Assembly the topic which has generated the most correspondence from neighbors near and far is whether to continue or cut Anchorage’s Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance, or I/M, program. Those opposed to the program cite improved automotive technology and the lack of recent carbon monoxide (CO) violations of Clean Air Act standards, while supporters note the importance of testing as part of our successful Air Quality Program. I’ve had numerous conversations with folks about the matter so I think it best to explain why I support continued I/M testing. (more…)
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