While the coverage of President Obama’s venture to Alaska has been more than thorough one aspect of it has curiously, at least to me, been ignored – the relationship between the mayors of two communities visited by our commander in chief.
So many questions, so little time, but probably appropriate to give more thought to local regulation of legal marijuana, approved by Alaska voters last November.
Whatever you think of President Obama’s politics, I think it’s great that he’s coming to Alaska to discuss climate change with other international leaders. As a life long Alaskan I’ve witnessed changes in my backyard and learned a lot about how other parts of the state are trying to deal with challenges. Whatever the cause, we’re going to have to figure out how to manage the evolution of our state’s environment.
I give up. As a downtown business person, the downtown representative to the Anchorage Assembly and an ex-officio member of the Anchorage Downtown Partnership board I, along with many others, have tried every conceivable avenue to try and convince the ownership of Phyllis’s Café & Salmon Bake to clean up the embarrassing mess at the corner of 5th Avenue & D Street.
I’ve received more than a few communications regarding the proposed airport land swap that would de-designate Point Woronzof area parkland in exchange for other DOT-owned land and a 25-year lease for a snow dump facility. While I try to avoid speaking ill of others, this proposal appears to be an example of typical 800-pound gorilla intransigence and embarrassingly weak municipal negotiation skills.
I happened to have occasion to travel overseas recently and, serendipitously, my sons found seats directly behind the engineer’s cab on an ICE train. So, for my railfan friends, here are a few observations: (more…)
I’m not one for forwarding “interesting” e-mails, links and the like, but a recent note caught my eye. It calls for some technological knowledge to test new applications that might prove beneficial to our neighbors. Suffice it to say, this isn’t my bailiwick – I have a smart phone and don’t really like it except that it allows me to keep track of my calendar & e-mail. So, for those of you with a more tech-savvy bent, here’s something upon which I’d appreciate your feedback: (more…)
As followers of matters municipal are aware, there are some questions as to what might happen if Mayor Sullivan becomes Lieutenant Governor Sullivan later this year. I’ll try to keep it simple with the Q&A below but, as with many things, there are a number of potential permutations worthy of consideration. (more…)
As faithful readers know Tuesday, April 1, is election day in Anchorage (no joke!). To celebrate our community’s survival of yet another political season I’m co-hosting a little shindig at Snow City Cafe, which is located at 1034 West Fourth Avenue, from 6 – 10 pm on election night. Come one, come all, and have a bite to eat as we watch the returns roll in. See you there!
Frequent visitors to, and neighbors of, Valley of the Moon park know it to be among the more popular in Anchorage. Summer evenings find any number of activities with adjacent streets overflowing with parked cars. That fact, and some interest in converting the ball field into a dog park, recently led to formation of an advisory group to address the next steps in park development. You can follow their deliberations, and provide input, here.
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